Sunday, November 13, 2016

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Recipe

I stumbled across this recipe while searching for something else. I tried it the other night and really enjoyed it so I figured I'd pass it along.

4 chicken cutlets (Even though I use cutlets, I still pounded them out to make them thinner)
chive and onion cream cheese
salt and pepper

Pound out the chicken cutlets. If you use breasts, you'll really have to pound them out. Season with salt and pepper. Smear your desired amount of cream cheese on each chicken breast and roll them up. Wrap a slice of bacon around each chicken breast. You can secure it with a toothpick if you think it's necessary.
It's up to you what pan to bake it on- if you use a baking dish, it'll keep the chicken moister because the juices will stay with the chicken. The downside is that the bacon on the bottom will not be crispy. If you cook it on a broiler pan you will have crispier bacon all around but you risk your chicken being drier if you over cook. Do what you want! Personally, I backed it in a glass dish and then switched it to a broiler pan. Bake 35 minute at 400 and broil for another 5 to get the bacon crispy.

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